Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Roller skates or blades?

see if there%26#039;s a generation gap here.

Roller skates or blades?
Reply:neither i cant use em im handicapped
Reply:ive never been on roller blades
Reply:roller skates!

im 25.
Reply:Roller skates, just because my ankle muscles aren%26#039;t strong enough to rollerblade for any long length of time.
Reply:I%26#039;m old fashioned, 38, I prefer skates.
Reply:Roller skates. Im 26
Reply:either or
Reply:Roller skates
Reply:rollerskates you can do dance moves with them definitly roller skates.
Reply:when I kick a passanger out of my car, i prefer to let em roller skate home.
Reply:Blades. Even though I am old enough to remember roller skates.
Reply:Roller skates - I have a pair that I bought at the boardwalk by the beach. Broke my arm the first time I tried to skate with them.
Reply:15 and roller skates :)
Reply:Blades for convenience and comfort, but skates for that old-school factor you just don%26#039;t see these days.

mobility scooter

What was your favorite method of transportation as a kid;;; Bike, Skateboard, Big wheel, Roller skates/blades

I built a chopper out of my old Schwin and bolted a steering wheel in place of the handle bars when I was in 8th grade, it was totally cool and I could ride wheelies forever on it. I built another one a few years back out of a beach cruiser, it%26#039;s 8 feet long and a blast to ride. ya never really grow out of that stuff!!!

What was your favorite method of transportation as a kid;;; Bike, Skateboard, Big wheel, Roller skates/blades
You%26#039;re welcome!!!! Report It

Reply:i use to get around on my bike my magna!!
Reply:My pink Huffy Mountain bike.
Reply:I rode my bike everywhere. I am still thinking about doing it again.
Reply:it has always been walking for me (my parents were poor and i am still poor) just as well that i like walking
Reply:mom and dad in the bmw
Reply:I always loved roller skated. It was the best... I remember getting the little Play Skool plastic clamp on skates as my training skates, when I was like 5 years old. They would strap over any shoe, and you could skate down mostly flat sidewalk. I eventually got pretty good, and was able to get really roller blades in early elemartary school, and used to skate to school EVERY single day.

Man, do I miss have that kind of endurance to skate 2 miles to school and back everyday...
Reply:feet, oh wait by your question it would be bike. Feet weren%26#039;t exactly my favorite just the most common.
Reply:My scooter or walking.
Reply:Big Wheel was the way to go!

with friends

to school

to the market
Reply:Bicycle. %26#039;cause you do not need any Fuel to Run it.

Just pump the proper Air to the Tyre%26#039;s and u rock n roll any where. u can easily ride in small walking paths where people can only barely walk...!
Reply:skateboard, but it took so long for me to master balancing =)
Reply:rolling down the hill

u kno

to get to the other side


Where can I buy the thick wooly tube socks that go over Roller Skates/Blades and Ice Skates??

Im looking for the ones that fold over and cover the top of the boot. They have no foot part and sort of look like leg warmers, i have earched the net but cant find any.

Where can I buy the thick wooly tube socks that go over Roller Skates/Blades and Ice Skates??
If you mean the regular woolen socks (without the foot part) that (ice) hockey players wear over their leg shields (and somtimes over the upper part of their skates as well), you can buy them in any ice hockey shop, any shop that sells hockey gear has them (unless their sold out, but that%26#039;s not usually the case). every online shop as well, as far as i can tell. you could check or something like that, or the nhl shop. or just try walking into a shop. you could try links for stores on ice hockey websites. there%26#039;s something called but i%26#039;m not completely sure what they sell. they%26#039;ve got jerseys, so they%26#039;ll have the socks as well i guess. the proper link (if this doesn%26#039;t work) is on the nhl website ( try that one.

are you sure you looked properly? coz they really sell those things like everywhere!
Reply:Those just sound like plain old hockey socks. Any sports store that carries hockey gear should have them.
Reply:Did you try searching for %26quot;Boot Covers?%26quot; Check some of the skating supply sites.
Reply:Your local sports shop should be able to help you with that.
Reply:dont no dont care
Reply:search for hockey socks

accessories belts

How do I talk my stupid co-worker in to trading her 04' Civic for my new roller blades?

She is really stupid and I think she is 90.

How do I talk my stupid co-worker in to trading her 04%26#039; Civic for my new roller blades?
sometimes i feel like you don%26#039;t hear a word i say

Reply:Have someone walk by and offer their %26#039;03 Civic for it. She%26#039;s stupid so she%26#039;ll try one up the %26#039;03 regardless of whether she wants the roller blades or not.
Reply:Get her drunk, have sex with her. She will probably just give you the car as payment for services rendered.
Reply:LOL...good luck with that
Reply:Tell her these are the new %26quot;in%26quot; things and everyone her age is using them and tell her that hers needs alot of work doing to it and it would be a great opportunity for you to work on your mechanical skills.

Good luck
Reply:hmmmm yeah but did SHE have a date for Valentine%26#039;s Day?
Reply:tell her that that roller blades were owned by FDR, she will love them.
Reply:Have her try them on ,and tell her she looks 80 wearing them, then really sell the gas mileage difference between the skates and the car..can%26#039;t miss with that one, and finally tape a balloon to her chest, tell her it%26#039;s an airbag with the highest possible rating for those particular skates.....after all that she%26#039;ll be paying you to trade for her car....psst ,really hit her hard in financing with an extended warranty and at least 12% interest rate.
Reply:tell her about the new law that old people cant drive so she might as well give her car to a needy co-worker.


jack the keys and run her over with it.

answer my Question please
Reply:tell her that the roller blades are worth more, because they have more wheels %26amp; less mileage than the Civic
Reply:give her a 5 yr,5000 mile warranty on those blades and Im sure she will gladly make the trade
Reply:hahahaha.....i don%26#039;t think your co-worker would want to trade
Reply:Tape bottle rockets to the roller blades and tell her they are rocket propelled roller blades!! She should switch in no time!!
Reply:Tell her that everyone her age is using them- they%26#039;re the new craze for 90-year-olds! She should switch in a matter of minutes...

accessories belts

Should i take a wii or an I-pod nano video,2 x-box 360 games, and roller blades?

I can only chose the Wii or the group of other stuff.

Should i take a wii or an I-pod nano video,2 x-box 360 games, and roller blades?
The second one, providing you have an Xbox 360.

Wii%26#039;s get boring after a while, trust me. The game library for it is appaling, unless you%26#039;re 5 or 6 years old.
Reply:2nd option
Reply:the wii

interest rate

When Christians throw their crutches away at faith healings do they recycle or trade them for roller blades?

Christians don%26#039;t recycle...God%26#039;s comming soon, so what%26#039;s the point? Besides, they%26#039;re probably going to need them once the cameras turn off and %26quot;satan%26quot; enters their %26quot;healed%26quot; legs again.

When Christians throw their crutches away at faith healings do they recycle or trade them for roller blades?
They pick them up again after the show to use them to con more people at the next faith healing.
Reply:Faith healing is a TV show , christianity is a good %26amp; respectable religion
Reply:Recycling is ecological and SINFUL, so is rollerblading, it%26#039;s gay!

they bust them up and make little crucifixes.
Reply:NO NOT AT ALL! WHAT KIND OF PERSON ARE YOU! They trade them in for skateboards and snowboards and electric scooters. COME ONE ROLLERBLADES?
Reply:neither one
Reply:They%26#039;re collected and given back to be used for the next show. Hallelujah!..
Reply:Obviously they didn%26#039;t need them in the first place. It%26#039;s all a scam for money. Shame on them all, including the believers.
Reply:They keep them available for the next show when they do the same thing again.
Reply:While God can and does heal I don%26#039;t put a lot of stock in Benny Hinn slapping granny on the forehead and saying get up out of that wheel chair in the name of Jesus. On the other hand if a true believer did that same thing and granny got up and walked off and I witnessed it I would probably have to follow that Evangelist around for a while and see if I can find granny experience an other life changing miracles of faith.
Reply:No, because after the healing is over and done, when the preacher is gone and the big tent is torn down, they need them to get back home.

Reply:i would get an electric scooter

skin disease

Why do my feet hurt so much after one or two minutes on ice skates, or roller blades, that I can't continue?

Oddly, if I can tolerate the pain long enough it passes, but it is so unbearable that I can rarely make it through the pain period. I like skating BUT...!

Why do my feet hurt so much after one or two minutes on ice skates, or roller blades, that I can%26#039;t continue?
That happened to me, too. It is your muscles cramping up because they are not used to skating. I had the problem more with ice skates than roller blades. My coach said it would pass as I got better, and she was right, but man oh man did it take a long time for that to happen. And when I quit skating for a while, the pain was back when I started again. It can also be that the boots are not fitting properly, but if the pain goes away then it is probably just your muscles tensing up. It is murder! The only way to get past it is to skate more often. Perhaps the boots need to be broken in, too - new boots are stiff and painful for a while. I really sympathize. I would get horrible cramps in the bottom of my feet. It hurts me just thinking about it!
Reply:You sound as though you are on hire skates,they are murder.There is nothing like your own boots,whatever skating discipline you take up.You can get hip hop or disco quadlines,these have 100mm wheels and will not bother your feet because they are quads and extremely stable.Just get on line and google--HAIGHT STREET SKATING--it will give you some idea,there are many roller skate sites,just type in --QUADLINE SKATES,you will be surprised.When buying ,just order the same as your normal shoe size,you can always compensate with extra socks, if they are too loose you will get blisters.
Reply:It is most likely the skate%26#039;s problem, but it could be your feet. It could be your feet/legs tensing up, thus wearing down your muscles quickly and making them hurt.

If not, its the skates not giving you support. Where exactly does it hurt? If its the ankle, you%26#039;ll either need support there (new skates) or that gel padding. if its the arch, then you%26#039;ll either need it punched out, or you%26#039;ll need support there. If its anywhere in the toes or heel, it%26#039;s most likely too small there, and you%26#039;ll need it punched out or get new skates.

Ultamatly, see if you can find a pro shop, with people who understand all of this. Tell them exactly what the problem is, and they will give you a precise answer.

Hope that helps!
Reply:It is most likely that your skates aren%26#039;t properly fitted possibly in the width or length. Good luck!
Reply:When I started ice skating, My feet hurted terribly. I just tried other sizers and either lossensed them up for tighten them. Your main problem is that they probably don%26#039;t fit properly.
Reply:maybe your skates aren%26#039;t a good fit for your feet. it%26#039;s either too tight or too lose. i%26#039;m not sure about figure skates, but hockey skates are usually two sizes smaller that your shoe size. like, i have a size 5 shoe size but my hockey skates are a size 3.5. hope i helped in one way or another. you should really check your skates if they%26#039;re a good fit or not.
Reply:well with figure skates it means that they are too big. i know that might seem weird but it is. roller blades i have no clue bc i am an figure skater and my feet did start to hurt when i just started out. If still not sure, ask the rink emploeyess that should help or you can ask a coach. YOu don%26#039;t have to have a coach just to ask. just be nice about it.

Good Luck!!!!!

Reply:If they are your own skates then they might be too small for you. If they are new it is because you haven%26#039;t broken in your skates yet.
Reply:The reason your feet hurt in probably because your skates are not fitted properly.

You could try to wear the skates a little bit looser and see if that might help.

dog skin problem

Whats that movie from late 80s early 90s where they go down a big hill on roller blades?

Air borne I have that ,movie with Seth Green right??

Whats that movie from late 80s early 90s where they go down a big hill on roller blades?
Gleaming the Cube? But that was skateboards.
Reply:well was a disney movie
Reply:Mighty Ducks 2

Hotel reviews

A 30 kg girl and a 25 kg boy face each other on friction-free roller blades.the girl pushes the boy,who moves?

They both move, in opposite directions, of course they have different speeds.


Well, there is one joke answer, and some slight misunderstandings, the mass does matter, the girl will be moving slower, so in a _given period of time_ the girl will move less distance, but with no friction, both will move forever

A 30 kg girl and a 25 kg boy face each other on friction-free roller blades.the girl pushes the boy,who moves?
They both do, every action has an equal and opposite reaction
Reply:both will move in the same direction
Reply:They both move in opposite directions. The girl moves less distance than the boy.
Reply:They will both move, but they will not move at the same velocity. Even though they are in a frictionless environment, their mass still determines the amount of inertia each has. More mass = more inertia. A body at rest tends to stay at rest. The more massive girl will not move as fast as the boy.
Reply:If there is no friction, then their weight shouldn%26#039;t be a factor at all (gravity is the force pulling you towards the ground. If there%26#039;s no difference in friction between two opposing weights, gravity plays no role in how much friction is created between the ground and the rollerblades). They will move in opposite directions at the exact same speed.

cat skin problem