Wednesday, April 15, 2009

What was your favorite method of transportation as a kid;;; Bike, Skateboard, Big wheel, Roller skates/blades

I built a chopper out of my old Schwin and bolted a steering wheel in place of the handle bars when I was in 8th grade, it was totally cool and I could ride wheelies forever on it. I built another one a few years back out of a beach cruiser, it%26#039;s 8 feet long and a blast to ride. ya never really grow out of that stuff!!!

What was your favorite method of transportation as a kid;;; Bike, Skateboard, Big wheel, Roller skates/blades
You%26#039;re welcome!!!! Report It

Reply:i use to get around on my bike my magna!!
Reply:My pink Huffy Mountain bike.
Reply:I rode my bike everywhere. I am still thinking about doing it again.
Reply:it has always been walking for me (my parents were poor and i am still poor) just as well that i like walking
Reply:mom and dad in the bmw
Reply:I always loved roller skated. It was the best... I remember getting the little Play Skool plastic clamp on skates as my training skates, when I was like 5 years old. They would strap over any shoe, and you could skate down mostly flat sidewalk. I eventually got pretty good, and was able to get really roller blades in early elemartary school, and used to skate to school EVERY single day.

Man, do I miss have that kind of endurance to skate 2 miles to school and back everyday...
Reply:feet, oh wait by your question it would be bike. Feet weren%26#039;t exactly my favorite just the most common.
Reply:My scooter or walking.
Reply:Big Wheel was the way to go!

with friends

to school

to the market
Reply:Bicycle. %26#039;cause you do not need any Fuel to Run it.

Just pump the proper Air to the Tyre%26#039;s and u rock n roll any where. u can easily ride in small walking paths where people can only barely walk...!
Reply:skateboard, but it took so long for me to master balancing =)
Reply:rolling down the hill

u kno

to get to the other side


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